Do you know regular massage can improve your sleep quality?! Massage triggers the release of serotonin, a feel good neurotransmitter that helps you feel calm 😌
Do you ever feel so overwhelming grateful you could explode? The opportunities I’ve been given lately have filled my heart and have shown me what it feels like to be truly supported. I trust that the universe has my back. I am open to whatever comes. I am ready for this. I don’t have it all, or have it all figured out. I am just grateful for what I do have and the people surrounding me. Feeling all the EXTRA feels because the space is finally READY + next week I get the keys!! To reserve your spot visit Book/Contact tab OR email me at [email protected]
Studies confirm that regular massage reduces stress and anxiety levels. Researchers attribute this improvement to the “feel good” chemicals — endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine that the body releases during and after a massage. Regular visits to your massage therapist could positively impact your health and drastically decrease your stress levels ✨
Being a Massage Therapist, Personal Trainer, Yoga Instructor, and Lifestyle Coach I get to do what I love every single day and I am so grateful for that. I dreamed of the day of having my OWN space. I felt like it was an impossible dream so out of reach. I realize now I was just limiting myself out of fear of the unknown. With persistence and a lot of hustle the past couple of months I can OFFICIALLY say Island Holistics will be opening August 2019!!! 🙌 I am proud to announce the launching of my services, website, AND (of course) LOCATION! Stay tuned for updates on the space, Grand Opening, and new client specials! **now booking clients for August 2019**
• • REMINDER: Don’t wait until you reach your goal to be proud of yourself. Look back at where you came from and let your self feel proud about your progress and every step you’ve taken towards reaching your goal. YOU.ARE.KILLING.IT. ✨ |